We are always looking to buy records, cassette tapes and vintage stereo equipment, particularly receivers, turntables, boomboxes, classic iPods and speakers. We pay cash on the spot or offer more if you choose to receive in-store credit, which includes our pub. Bring us a killer collection and stick around for a beer or two in the pub to celebrate the new-found lining of your coffers.
Where records and tapes are concerned, we are particularly interested in rock-based items, and all its many wonderful subgenres.
No appointment necessary to show us what you’ve got, but if you have a large collection, please email or call us for an appointment so we can set a time to have a good look. Feel free to give us a call or drop us an email ahead of time if you’d like to see if it’s something we’d be interested in. For larger collections, we can arrange for a house call by appointment.